Grow Your Business with Email Marketing - Reach More Customers in Less Time

Automated email campaigns are a powerful tool for increasing sales and growing your brand, but when your messages aren't resonating with your subscribers, it can be difficult to achieve success. New Web Hub has the experience and expertise to craft email strategies that get results. Our team of email marketing and automation specialists will create personalized workflows to move prospects through the sales funnel in a timely manner. Maximize the effectiveness of your email marketing and save time with the help of New Web Hub.

Why Email Marketing Works

Email campaigns boast one of the highest ROI's of any digital marketing channel, with estimates ranging from $32 to even higher for every $1 spent. This makes it a great choice for connecting with customers in any industry. Studies show that customers who receive email offers are more likely to spend more and engage more than those who don't. To further leverage email marketing, personalized messages are key for retaining customers. With a well-thought-out strategy based on your users' needs and behaviors, you can create successful and lucrative email campaigns.

Our Email Marketing Expertise

Email Marketing Strategy and Audits

We carry out an indepth assessment of your current email marketing system to identify the strong and weak points of your campaigns, messages, and signup process. Our professionals analyze the data obtained from this examination to come up with strategies to help you drive more leads and conversions, and thus maximize your return on investment.

Email Message Creation

We are a fullservice agency offering a comprehensive range of services for email marketing. Our team of experienced graphic designers, copywriters, and email specialists create innovative and eyecatching visuals and content for your campaigns. We implement email marketing best practices to maximize openrates, clickthrough rates, and conversions. Additionally, we use A/B testing to guarantee successful results.

Automated Workflows and Drip Campaigns

Email Automation enables you to send personalized messages to your customers at the exact time they need it most. Automated emails can be used to welcome new subscribers, remind customers about an abandoned shopping cart, or engage with those who have lapsed. We have the ability to craft automated email campaigns tailored to your prospects behavior and position in the sales cycle, so you can create a powerful impression of your brand and deliver the right message to the right person at the right moment.